Once we're a bit older we can get tripped up because our hearing ISN'T what it once was, it's embarrassing to admit we don't recognize the voice on the phone, and we were brought up to be kind when our young relatives need our help.
To watch the video report from Peter Greenberg of CBS News, click here.
The second time I watched the report I noticed that the woman was holding an AARP book. It's titled: Outsmarting the Scam Artists: How to Protect Yourself From the Most Clever Cons. At first I wanted to recommend it, but while there are mainly positive reviews, there are a few that say the content is dated and lacks internet examples, even though the book was published in 2012. Can anyone recommend this title? Or another resource you've used to stay ahead of the criminals? Send me a message.
Bill Lamb
Nov. 19, 2014